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Once children begin addressing their language-learning problems with Education & Therapy Associates, they typically make rapid progress.  Not only do their learning skills improve, but parents often report that behavioral problems decrease.  Parents and teachers see positive results, and best of all, children are learning and feeling good about their accomplishments. We do not purport to offer a guarantee or cure, but we will work diligently to help your child achieve his/her fullest potential.


Therapy sessions are typically 60-minutes, twice weekly. Therapy may be more frequent during summer break to provide more intensive therapy in preparation for upcoming academic requirements. Each child has the benefit of two therapists who work closely with each other and the parents to address the child’s individual needs.  We have found this team approach to be beneficial to the client, as each therapist brings unique strengths and insights to a case.  The child’s progress is continually reviewed to monitor development but formal testing is usually conducted after 9-12 months to modify and reestablish goals as appropriate.


Parental involvement is key to successful therapy.  Parents are involved through observation of therapy and by helping their child with the home program.  I encourage parents to sit in the therapy room to observe therapy directly so they are able to help with the home program.  Many language/learning strategies require reinforcement, drill and adult guidance until the child is able to automatically apply the approach.  I always review the home program with the parent and child at the close of each therapy session. 

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