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Evaluation, Therapy and Consultation:

Evaluation - An initial evaluation includes approximately 4.0 hours of direct testing, which is typically spread over at least 2-3 sessions. After testing is complete, data is analyzed and a complete report is written. A conference is scheduled with the parents to share results of testing as well as recommendations. It is important for parents to have a clear understanding of the results, options for future treatment and a written report with these findings.  If your child has been tested by another facility within the past year, another complete evaluation may not be necessary. However, sometimes additional testing is required to determine a precise treatment plan for your child. 


Individual therapy -  Most clients are seen for two or three, 1-hour therapy sessions weekly.


Additional services - Telephone conferences can be warranted, and parents may want to request this type of interaction on their child's behalf.  This may include conversations with physicians, teachers, or other professionals, or even with you about your child. 


Consultations - May be scheduled in the office or over the phone. 

Off-site consultations can be important in a child's treatment.  These consultations can include IEP meetings or teacher conferences. 









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