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Expressive Language

This component of our language system allows us to formulate, express our thoughts, or encode information. The two modes of expression, verbal and written, affect one another.  When one area is impaired, often the other area will also be impaired.

Verbal and Written Expression

Writing is a natural extenson of speaking, so if a child has impaired verbal skills, it is not unusual for that child to experience problems with written language.  The process of organizing thoughts, retrieving the proper words, and formulating a sentence takes additional time for those with expressive language deficits.  Weaknesses in thought organization and formulation may decrease the rate of processing for written work.  When we increase the ‘language load’ by asking a child to write a response, he must organize his thoughts, select proper vocabulary, retrieve spelling rules and hold onto the thought and sentence word order.  (This must all be done simultaneously, like juggling 4-5 balls at once).

A Blessing in Disguise

On the bright side, language-learning difficulties can be a blessing in disguise. Children with these types of weaknesses must work very hard relative to their peers, and with proper support and guidance can develop a strong work ethic that serves them well. Appropriate language-learning therapy, coupled by parental and school support, provides a foundation for educational, emotional, and social development. In order to advocate, you must be able to navigate - you must be informed, then empowered, and finally involved.

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