Articles & Resources
" Making a difference,
one child at a time."

Education & Therapy Associates
Prescriptive/ Diagnostic Therapy Tailored to Meet Individual Needs
Speech Therapy
Learning Difficulties
Parent Education
Having our verbal messages understood is the basis of speech. Likewise, making the sounds of our language clearly is crucial for communication. Younger children may make errors in their sounds; these are normally outgrown by a specific age range. At times, these speech skills do not evolve as expected and therapy might be indicated.
Since most academic learning is language-based, children with language problems are at high risk for learning disabilities. However, early treatment of language weaknesses can frequently mitigate or even prevent life-long learning problems. In addition to diminishing the core learning weaknesses, good therapy can also teach compensation strategies.
Parent education is a critical adjunct to any good therapy program. As a therapist, I spend 2 or 3 hours per week with a child, but parents have the luxury of interacting many more hours with their children. This time-even the informal interaction time-can be used to reinforce good speech or language-learning habits.

The Learning Myth
October 19, 2019
Why a "growth mind-set" is so important, and how you can help cultivate this in your child.
Teens Should Protect Their Brains
January 28, 2021
Teens' brains are not fully
insulated, which means that
signals move slowly. Listen to
the interview.

Kids & Technology
August 18, 2020
What You Absolutely Need to Know About Screen Time and Your Kids.

California's Top 100 High Schools
April 28, 2021
The annual ranking released by US
World and News Report ranks schools
based on a variety of factors.

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315 University Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95030